Meter Returns Increased Value Program


When 6 million gas and electricity meters needed to be replaced for new Smart Meters, facilitated a rethink of product design and operational management.

Objective: Challenge the traditional thinking around recycling products at end of life, so a low valued waste stream becomes a high value financial option.

Description: Enabled rethinking of the process design and operational management in connection with the materials that were to become stranded assets.

The regulation was to recycle 50% of the materials, but through a life cycle analysis of the materials and processes including the meter return process, more than $2 million, of value and efficiencies was identified creating a new way of operating around ‘exit processes.’


  • Identified over $2million of financial value compared with a write off cost of waste materials.

  • Enabled materials to be re-purposed and re-used.

  • Created a brand story that was positive against a backdrop of a very expensive regulatory requirement.

  • Opened the door for more company opportunities to look through the end-to-end process with a different lens.

Blue Chilli Marketing

Despite our chilly colouring, we’re pretty good at turning up the heat and making things happen. You’ll work alongside an enthusiastic bunch of people who each contribute unique skills, experience and perspective to whichever project is in the hothouse at the time. Our Tauranga marketing team will take the time to get to know you and deliver a service that exceeds your expectations. For specialist skills not covered in house, we partner with a network of suppliers in Tauranga, creating a team that best suits your brand and project, managing the entire process for you. You get the convenience of dealing with one marketing agency in Tauranga who understands you plus access to the best specialists around.

Sustainable Business Leadership Capacity Building


Embedding a Sustainable Supply Chain